Cyber Security Conference 2024 Liechtenstein

Our CEO & Co-Founder recently had the honor of giving an inspiring keynote at the cybersecurity conference in Liechtenstein.

The focus of his presentation was the brand new and innovative product Cyber ​​Resilience Shield from Bug Bounty Switzerland.

by Isaak Mtizwa, Published on 10. December 2024 2 min Reading time

Our CEO & Co-Founder recently had the honor of giving an inspiring keynote at the cybersecurity conference in Liechtenstein.

The focus of his presentation was the brand new and innovative product Cyber ​​Resilience Shield from Bug Bounty Switzerland.

He impressively demonstrated how we are setting new standards in the area of ​​cyber security with data-supported bug bounty programs and first-class security testing in order to sustainably strengthen the cyber resilience of companies in the future.

This groundbreaking solution opens up completely new perspectives: It makes it possible to specifically identify the really critical security gaps, to fix them quickly and effectively, and thus to be able to cope with modern cyber threats.

Our contribution to greater cyber resilience:

  1. Valuable insights that help make smart decisions for your organization to become more resilient against cyber threats.
  2. Optimize your cyber security investments and focus on the essentials. The right hackers test in the right place at the right time.
  3.  Ethical hacking using data from previous and ongoing bug bounty programs, optimized using modern AI technology. In this way, we guarantee permanent test coverage of the entire attack surface of your organization.
  4. More proactive protection against criminal cyber threats through the global know-how of over 15,000 ethical hackers.

Thank you for the invitation Digital Liechtenstein! It was a brilliant event with a great host, LGT Private Banking, great speakers and numerous guests and partners.

Together for a resilient world!

Watch Keynote:

Watch the Trailer:

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