Together for a
Resilient World

With our innovative product, we offer companies easy and secure access to ethical hacking and data-driven bug bounty programs.

What Swiss security managers say about Bug Bounty Switzerland

«Bug Bounty Programs are effective and cost-efficient, and as such can make an important contribution to the security of businesses and infrastructure here in this country.»
Florian Schütz, Director of the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC)
«When we started our Bug Bounty Program at Swiss Post, we rapidly found 50 critical security vulnerabilities. The precise reproduction instructions enabled us to fix them quickly and reduce the risks
Marcel Zumbühl, CISO of Swiss Post Group and Co-President of Information Security Society Switzerland (ISSS), Member of the Advisory Board Bug Bounty Switzerland
More about Marcel Zumbühl
«In our case, highly critical security vulnerabilities were found within a few hours. We would recommend every SME to also do a reality check with Bug Bounty Switzerland. This is the only way to really stay one step ahead of cybercriminals.»
Bettina Wüest, Member of the Executive Board, Bernerland Bank AG and client of Bug Bounty Switzerland
«Traditional security tests are only effective to a limited extent. Very effective and innovative, on the other hand, is collaborating with ethical hackers, who work with us to massively increase system and application security
Manuel Häfliger, CISO, Head of Cyber Security at BKW AG, client of Bug Bounty Switzerland

Be one step ahead - like our enthusiastic clients

Become a Cyber Security Champion

Try out our product! Our Cyber Resilience Shield helps you to protect your organization from cyber attacks and increase its resilience.

Become a researcher

Are you a security researcher, bug bounty hunter, ethical hacker or all of the above? Then check out our programs, your profile and interests decide. Are you in?

Our Bug Bounty Community

Bug Bounty Switzerland is more than a company. We are a movement and set a new standard in Switzerland for security, fun, transparency and collaboration. Our community plays a particularly important role in this.

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