Our CEO & Co-Founder in the business podcast with the Bern region

In order to test the resilience of IT systems, companies are increasingly relying on collaboration with ethical hackers in bug bounty programs.

by Isaak Mtizwa, Published on 17. July 2024 2 min Reading time

Cyber ​​attacks are the top business risk! However, many companies do not know their risks and vulnerabilities.

In order to test the resilience of IT systems, companies are increasingly relying on collaboration with ethical hackers in bug bounty programs.

IT infrastructures are checked by ethical hackers legally and in compliance with clearly defined rules. In this way, weak points can be proactively identified and remedied.

In this edition of the video podcast “Frankly Speaking”, the Bern economic area talks to our CEO & Co-Founder Sandro Nafzger about how bug bounty programs work, what advantages they offer and what costs are associated with them.

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