Marcel Zumbühl
Marcel Zumbühl in the media
- Marcel Zumbühl wird «CISO of the Year 2023»
- «Schweizer Firmen bezahlen Hacker dafür, Lücken in ihren IT-Systemen aufzuspüren» (Neue Zürcher Zeitung)
- «Wichtig ist der Dialog mit dem ethischen Hacker» (Computerworld)
- «Die Post lädt ethische Hacker zu sich ein» (Computerworld)
- «Exklusiv: ISSS erhält neues Co-Präsidium» (Inside IT)
«Bug Bounty makes an important contribution to improving information security. When working with ethical hackers, a constructive dialog is created and you receive valuable feedback. When we started our Bug Bounty program at Swiss Post, we found 50 critical security vulnerabilities in a very short time. With the very precise reproduction instructions, we were able to fix them quickly and reduce the overall risks.»
Fancy a virtual coffee?
How secure are your IT systems?
Every IT system has still unknown security vulnerabilities. There is no more effective method for this than working with security researchers and ethical hackers. Benefit from our unique know-how and experience the bug bounty effect! Start small with our Reality Check or reach directly for the Cyber Security Olympus. We accompany you.
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