Live-Stream: Bug Bounty at Swiss Post – Let’s follow the bug from A-Z

Von Sandro Nafzger, Veröffentlicht am 5. Oktober 2020 1 min Lesezeit

In order to continuously improve the security of its digital products, Information Security of Swiss Post operates a private bug bounty program.

In this recorded live-stream, you will meet the team behind it and will get an overview of the benefits and challenges that a large organisation is facing when dealing with ethical hackers.

You will meet one of Switzerland’s best ethical hackers and learn how he is making money from legally hacking Swiss Post. Then you will follow a critical bug he has discovered from A-Z, through the different stations of the Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure (CVD) process.

You will see some great code and experience how the Security Champions of Swiss Post learn from the collective intelligence of a global hacking community.

This recording is for everybody that has every wondered how a Bug Bounty Program really works and how the operational & technical side of it looks like.

Have fun!

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