Webinar: Bug Bounty Success Story of Swiss Post

Von Sandro Nafzger, Veröffentlicht am 3. Juni 2021 1 min Lesezeit

A must-watch webinar

We recently hosted a webinar with Marcel Zumbühl, Swiss Post’s Group CISO and Sandro Nafzger, Lead of Swiss Post’s Bug Bounty program. Throughout this webinar Marcel and Sandro share key insights and great take-aways from their Bug Bounty journey and their learnings along the way. 

If you ever wondered how a Bug Bounty program can effectively help improve an organization’s security posture, and what steps you should take to get started, then this on-demand webinar is for you.

Watch this webinar and discover:

  • How you can build Trust in a digital world though participative security and transparency
  • How working with a community of ethical hackers can extend your team capabilities and skills
  • How you can shift the role of Information Security, not only as an enabler, but as a driver of Digital Transformation
  • Why penetration tests can’t keep up with the pace of digitalization and might give a false risk evaluation perception 
  • Why the Swiss Post embedded continuous crowdsourced security in their Product Lifecycle
  • Why Bug Bounty programs can work for every budget, every size, and every complexity

The Swiss Post realized early that new mitigation methods were required under the constant rise of cyberattacks. Watch this 90min webinar to listen to their insights, and don’t miss the extensive and sparkling Q&A session!

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